ako sa to vsetko zacalo??? [How did everything start???]
Stvrtok 17.8.2006 v Bratisalve. vstal som o 03:00 a o 04:00 sme uz sedeli v aute a razili cestu do Swechatu.po ceste sme vyzdvihli jedineho dobrovolnika menom Kyzo,ktory ma bol ochotny odprevadit na letisko.rakuske letisko bolo v pohode a okrem pretazenej batoziny sa nevyskytli ziadne ine problemy.potom prislo na LUCENIE.asi najtazsia cast mojej cesty.ved nevidiet svojich rodicov a Kyza 10mesiacov neni sranda.
My trip started on August 17th, 2006 in Bratislava, Slovakia. I got up at 3 am. It was about 4 o'clock when we were driving to the Swechat airport. The only volunteer who wanted to go with me to the airport was Kyzo. Austrian airport was OK except for my overweight baggage. No problems occured.then was time to say "bye" to my parents and Majkl. I consider this as a most dofficult part of my trip. I won't see them for over 10 months.
v rakuskom vestibule bolo setko fajn.vacsina biznismenov a par arabov.a ,samozrejme, JA. po par minutach cakania sme sa presunuli do lietadla.nic neobvykle.bol otvoreny iba jeden runway cize sme museli ratat s meskanim.ja som mal v Bruseli 2.5 hodky na presun cize vsetko bolo OK.vzleteli sme.pristali.fajn cesta.sedel som sam.pohodlie.
I was sitting in departure lounge at Astrian airport . Everything seemed great. There were some business men and an Arabic family in the room. And, of course, ME. After few minutes we moved to the aircraft. nothing interesting. it was opened just one runway so we had a little delay in Brussels.I had more than 2 hours to find my gate so i didn't care.we took off and after 2 hours we safely landed in Brussels. It was a quite comfortable flight because there was nobody in the two seats next to me.
bruselske letisko je uz trochu vacsia sranda ako rakuske.velmi som sa ponahlal,aby som v cas nasiel spravny check in.ani pocit hladu ma neprinutil vzdat sa haldania a tak som si odoprel co i len maly snack.velke sipky USA a New York boli jednoznacne.velky rad ludi to potvrdil.potom dobehla jedna mila mlada pani ze ci som Delta New York.ja ze ano.zobrala ma na zaciatok radu ku kontrole.tam boli pracovnicky delty ktore sa vypytovali co mam u seba.okrem par papierov,zbrani a vybusnin som nemal nic.cize kontrolou som presiel bez problemov.vsetky veci som nahadzal do igelitky a presiel detektormi.musel som si sundat moje velmi pohodlne boty,ci tam nahodu nemam nejke kovove predmety.vacsinou si vsetky veci davam do topanok ale dneska sa mi nechcelo.potom ma jeden mily,pekny,asi 70 rocny pan ohmataval.velmi prijemny pocit,ani si to neviete predstavit.potom som kracal k Delta Security.tam ma spovedala jedna pani,ci mam nejake tekutiny alebo kto je vlastnikom vasej batoziny a podobne velmi duchaplne a dolezite otazky.lebo drviva vacsina ludi sa priznala ze tam ma bombu alebo zbrane.cize som to chapal.onedlho,asi po hodine sedenia,opat opustame pevninu.krasny pocit.
The airport in Brussels is much larger than the Austrian one. I was hurry to find my gate so I forgot to buy some food. I was starving.The big arrows saying "New York" were, undoubtably, showing the right way to my Check-in.While I was waiting at the end of the really long line, suddenly came a woman asking who is from Delta, New York. I immediately answerd,"me!". I was told to follow her to the passport control. There were couple of Delta assistants asking me some "really important" questions. I had only few weapons, one bomb and some papers on me so I was done in few minutes. I had no problems to pass the control. I had to take off my "comfortable" shoes. I always have my stuff in shoes but today I was too lazy to put them there. Afterwards I was checked by a very handsome, young, 70year old man. It was an amazing experience. When I came to the Delta Security desk, a very awesome girl was waiting for me. She was about 60 years old. She asked me a couple of pretty interesting questions, e.g."who is owner of your baggage?"or"Who had packed your baggage?". She was lucky and she detected few bomb attackers. Actually, I understand the purpose of asking these questions now. Few moments later I am in the air again.
obed,Pasta a salat,krekry so syrom a dezert,neskor zmrzlina a opat pizza.krasny pocit.jedine co bolo zdrvujuce bolo tlacivo ktore bolo treba vyplnit.no problemos som si povedal
I had a salad, crackers with Edam cheese, pasta and a dessert for a lunch. A couple of hours later there was a stewardess giving me an ice cream and pizza again. the only interesting thing was a Form I had to fill out. I thought "no problemos".
no problemos sa ukazuje ako problemos a tak som zbehol pre iny typ tlaciva.potom som sa nenapadne predbehol a bol som v USA.vyzdvihol som si batozinu.celkom v poriadku az na odtrhnutu nalepku.tak som isiel na re-check in.pohodka.poprosil som jedenho zamestnanca ci by mi nepomohol tu nalepku opravit.totizto ta nalepka sluzi na rozoznanie miesta kam batozina cestuje/resp.by mala/. a tak ma postavil do rady.cakal som tam pol hodinu,zbytocne.pani mi dala zosivacku a zcvakla mi nalepku dokopy.cely vyteseny som sa rozbehol hladat moj dalsi gate. po 10min som bol na mieste.hrozne,lebo som mal pred sebou este kopec casu.asi 2hodiny.tak som bludil po obchodoch a chodil po letisku.cele som ho presiel presne 3
krat.a tak si zmoreny cestovanim sadam do cakarne a vyzuvam si moje botasky a sako.opat letim.tento raz sedim s jedny parom.chlapikovi som nerozumel ani slovo a tak som sa vzdy iba usmial.cele som to prespal/aj filmy.jedlo,samozrejme nie.ved ako by to vyzeralo.noo
The previous thinking "no problemos" wasn't so great as I had thought. I had to go back and fill out a different type of the form. I passed the security and I was in the USA. I picked up my luggage and saw my destroyed sticker with flight data. so I went to re-Check in desk and asked the woman for a help. I was so happy that I forgot to go to the lavatory. I had two hours at the JFK airport so I went to few shops. I walked around the airport 3 times, and I was in the air again.This time I was sitting next to one couple from the South. I didn't understand the guy so I always smiled at him. I was sleeping all the time.Except for a snack, of course.
uz sedim v cakarni v Salt Lake City.vzrusujuce.mila pani oproti mne sa pyta ci hovorim po anglicky,ja na to ze trochu.a tak sa pytala ze co a ako.po pol hodke opat sedim v lietadle a tentoraz uz vedla asi tak 30 rocnej pani z Medfordu.pokecali sme o medforde,South M. high School a tak.neskor uz vystupujem z lietadla a razim si cestu von. a velkolepy okamih==moja Host Family a zopar ludi z Rotary klubu.vseci ma privitali a ja ako neme male dieta som na nich civel a hovoril Hi, hi, good, i am tired, fine, yes.Batozina sa zjavila na pase asi po 10min.cize uz mi nic nebranilo v tom aby sme sa presunuli do mojho noveho bydliska.
After more than 5 hours I was waiting for the next connection to Medford again. It was so exciting. This time it was a woman asking me if I can speak English who woke me up. We had a short chat and then I was in aircraft again. I had a place next to a 30 year-old woman who was from Medford. She asked me some questions and then she worked on her laptop. After 2 hours I left the airplane and walked to the teminal. And now, the big moment. My host family and few Rotarians were waiting for me there. so exciting. I had no words because I was so excited. I was just staring...
Stvrtok 17.8.2006 v Bratisalve. vstal som o 03:00 a o 04:00 sme uz sedeli v aute a razili cestu do Swechatu.po ceste sme vyzdvihli jedineho dobrovolnika menom Kyzo,ktory ma bol ochotny odprevadit na letisko.rakuske letisko bolo v pohode a okrem pretazenej batoziny sa nevyskytli ziadne ine problemy.potom prislo na LUCENIE.asi najtazsia cast mojej cesty.ved nevidiet svojich rodicov a Kyza 10mesiacov neni sranda.
My trip started on August 17th, 2006 in Bratislava, Slovakia. I got up at 3 am. It was about 4 o'clock when we were driving to the Swechat airport. The only volunteer who wanted to go with me to the airport was Kyzo. Austrian airport was OK except for my overweight baggage. No problems occured.then was time to say "bye" to my parents and Majkl. I consider this as a most dofficult part of my trip. I won't see them for over 10 months.
v rakuskom vestibule bolo setko fajn.vacsina biznismenov a par arabov.a ,samozrejme, JA. po par minutach cakania sme sa presunuli do lietadla.nic neobvykle.bol otvoreny iba jeden runway cize sme museli ratat s meskanim.ja som mal v Bruseli 2.5 hodky na presun cize vsetko bolo OK.vzleteli sme.pristali.fajn cesta.sedel som sam.pohodlie.
I was sitting in departure lounge at Astrian airport . Everything seemed great. There were some business men and an Arabic family in the room. And, of course, ME. After few minutes we moved to the aircraft. nothing interesting. it was opened just one runway so we had a little delay in Brussels.I had more than 2 hours to find my gate so i didn't care.we took off and after 2 hours we safely landed in Brussels. It was a quite comfortable flight because there was nobody in the two seats next to me.
bruselske letisko je uz trochu vacsia sranda ako rakuske.velmi som sa ponahlal,aby som v cas nasiel spravny check in.ani pocit hladu ma neprinutil vzdat sa haldania a tak som si odoprel co i len maly snack.velke sipky USA a New York boli jednoznacne.velky rad ludi to potvrdil.potom dobehla jedna mila mlada pani ze ci som Delta New York.ja ze ano.zobrala ma na zaciatok radu ku kontrole.tam boli pracovnicky delty ktore sa vypytovali co mam u seba.okrem par papierov,zbrani a vybusnin som nemal nic.cize kontrolou som presiel bez problemov.vsetky veci som nahadzal do igelitky a presiel detektormi.musel som si sundat moje velmi pohodlne boty,ci tam nahodu nemam nejke kovove predmety.vacsinou si vsetky veci davam do topanok ale dneska sa mi nechcelo.potom ma jeden mily,pekny,asi 70 rocny pan ohmataval.velmi prijemny pocit,ani si to neviete predstavit.potom som kracal k Delta Security.tam ma spovedala jedna pani,ci mam nejake tekutiny alebo kto je vlastnikom vasej batoziny a podobne velmi duchaplne a dolezite otazky.lebo drviva vacsina ludi sa priznala ze tam ma bombu alebo zbrane.cize som to chapal.onedlho,asi po hodine sedenia,opat opustame pevninu.krasny pocit.
The airport in Brussels is much larger than the Austrian one. I was hurry to find my gate so I forgot to buy some food. I was starving.The big arrows saying "New York" were, undoubtably, showing the right way to my Check-in.While I was waiting at the end of the really long line, suddenly came a woman asking who is from Delta, New York. I immediately answerd,"me!". I was told to follow her to the passport control. There were couple of Delta assistants asking me some "really important" questions. I had only few weapons, one bomb and some papers on me so I was done in few minutes. I had no problems to pass the control. I had to take off my "comfortable" shoes. I always have my stuff in shoes but today I was too lazy to put them there. Afterwards I was checked by a very handsome, young, 70year old man. It was an amazing experience. When I came to the Delta Security desk, a very awesome girl was waiting for me. She was about 60 years old. She asked me a couple of pretty interesting questions, e.g."who is owner of your baggage?"or"Who had packed your baggage?". She was lucky and she detected few bomb attackers. Actually, I understand the purpose of asking these questions now. Few moments later I am in the air again.
obed,Pasta a salat,krekry so syrom a dezert,neskor zmrzlina a opat pizza.krasny pocit.jedine co bolo zdrvujuce bolo tlacivo ktore bolo treba vyplnit.no problemos som si povedal
I had a salad, crackers with Edam cheese, pasta and a dessert for a lunch. A couple of hours later there was a stewardess giving me an ice cream and pizza again. the only interesting thing was a Form I had to fill out. I thought "no problemos".
no problemos sa ukazuje ako problemos a tak som zbehol pre iny typ tlaciva.potom som sa nenapadne predbehol a bol som v USA.vyzdvihol som si batozinu.celkom v poriadku az na odtrhnutu nalepku.tak som isiel na re-check in.pohodka.poprosil som jedenho zamestnanca ci by mi nepomohol tu nalepku opravit.totizto ta nalepka sluzi na rozoznanie miesta kam batozina cestuje/resp.by mala/. a tak ma postavil do rady.cakal som tam pol hodinu,zbytocne.pani mi dala zosivacku a zcvakla mi nalepku dokopy.cely vyteseny som sa rozbehol hladat moj dalsi gate. po 10min som bol na mieste.hrozne,lebo som mal pred sebou este kopec casu.asi 2hodiny.tak som bludil po obchodoch a chodil po letisku.cele som ho presiel presne 3
krat.a tak si zmoreny cestovanim sadam do cakarne a vyzuvam si moje botasky a sako.opat letim.tento raz sedim s jedny parom.chlapikovi som nerozumel ani slovo a tak som sa vzdy iba usmial.cele som to prespal/aj filmy.jedlo,samozrejme nie.ved ako by to vyzeralo.noo
The previous thinking "no problemos" wasn't so great as I had thought. I had to go back and fill out a different type of the form. I passed the security and I was in the USA. I picked up my luggage and saw my destroyed sticker with flight data. so I went to re-Check in desk and asked the woman for a help. I was so happy that I forgot to go to the lavatory. I had two hours at the JFK airport so I went to few shops. I walked around the airport 3 times, and I was in the air again.This time I was sitting next to one couple from the South. I didn't understand the guy so I always smiled at him. I was sleeping all the time.Except for a snack, of course.
uz sedim v cakarni v Salt Lake City.vzrusujuce.mila pani oproti mne sa pyta ci hovorim po anglicky,ja na to ze trochu.a tak sa pytala ze co a ako.po pol hodke opat sedim v lietadle a tentoraz uz vedla asi tak 30 rocnej pani z Medfordu.pokecali sme o medforde,South M. high School a tak.neskor uz vystupujem z lietadla a razim si cestu von. a velkolepy okamih==moja Host Family a zopar ludi z Rotary klubu.vseci ma privitali a ja ako neme male dieta som na nich civel a hovoril Hi, hi, good, i am tired, fine, yes.Batozina sa zjavila na pase asi po 10min.cize uz mi nic nebranilo v tom aby sme sa presunuli do mojho noveho bydliska.
After more than 5 hours I was waiting for the next connection to Medford again. It was so exciting. This time it was a woman asking me if I can speak English who woke me up. We had a short chat and then I was in aircraft again. I had a place next to a 30 year-old woman who was from Medford. She asked me some questions and then she worked on her laptop. After 2 hours I left the airplane and walked to the teminal. And now, the big moment. My host family and few Rotarians were waiting for me there. so exciting. I had no words because I was so excited. I was just staring...
heh tusim ta po prvom odseku prestal bavit doslovne preklady..:o)ale dobre sa to cita..;-)pokracuj pokracuj..=)
By lucka, at 1:50 PM
No teeeeda . Akože ja by som tú cestu nezvládol kokos. By som stopercentne nastúpil na zlý let. Dušo máš odvahu no ...
By Anonymous, at 1:44 PM
dushko tak teda respecta ja by som to asi (urcite )nezvladla..:)inak sa mi toto vsetko co tu mas velmi dobze cita takze mozes doplnovat :)
By Anonymous, at 10:59 AM
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